Build a functional modern backyard with a comfy patio and lots of plants

Modern means natural. Transform your backyard into a functional unit filled with smartly landscaped greenery with different plants and trees. Here is our detailed guide on how to decorate a truly modern yard:

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Styles You Can Shop Right Now

We’ve handpicked some relatively easy to achieve styles and trends that you may find interesting and useful. We always try to bring functional solutions to our readers. If you have any suggestions for this list, don’t hesitate to participate in the comment section.

Bamboo Forest Fire Pit

Modern Tao Backyard

5 Products You Must Try

1. Tiny modern with plants

Use this style for small backyards where you need sitting space and some plants to make your day better.

2. Dine in style

Gather the whole family and stay protected from rain and sun with a handy pergola or canopy.

3. Jungle Music

Equip this bad boy with a tiny JBL and you’ll get your outdoor meditation room. Try and experiment with Mexican themed ceramic tiles for the ultimate ambiance.

4. The Rolling Deck

This great invention by French company Pischelle, will reshape the way you imagine your backyard deck. Fancy hiding a whole pool beneath your dining table? Get pricing quotes for the Benelux region and France at Rolling Deck. You can also visit Swimming Pool Covers for international shipping and some really interesting models.

5. Plain Wooden Furniture

Simplicity is key in all modern designs, and having a plain white set from teal wood, looks really classy in big backyards.

Put an effort in your patio, the center of your backyard

Your patio is the sole place in the backyard where you’ll be spending most of your time either relaxing with your household or entertaining family and guests. Having a space where you can do both comes in handy when you need to organize a birthday party or just want to watch a movie with the kids.

Here’s how to build the modern backyard patio:

Invest in a quality pergola or canopy for ultimate sun and rain protection

Protection from the sun is critical during summer, and there isn’t a better shade option than a functional pergola.

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