7 Minimalist lifestyle habits to save the planet

You cannot scroll through Facebook, Twitter or whatever flavor of the month’s social media app you’re using without reading about how the world is changing. It is not just all “fluff” either, the world is certainly changing. Overpopulation is putting a huge drain on the planet as resources are getting lower and pollution only rises.

This has caused many people to start thinking about living in a more modest or if you prefer, frugal kind of lifestyle. Who wants to live with less? Is what some of you may be asking yourself, but living a minimalist lifestyle can still be a rewarding and full life, while you are also doing your part to help out the planet.

Overpopulation and pollution are very, very real. However, these major problems of tomorrow (which are actually a problem today) can be fought by living a more minimalist lifestyle.

Here’s a quickstep guide on how to adapt to the modern lifestyle using basic minimalist life principles.

You must go green

The more people on the planet the more pollution there is, especially if we do not start thinking about the way we use energy. Using more eco-friendly forms of energy can help with this and also save you some money in the long run.

Installing a rooftop solar panel isn’t that complicated anymore.

More and more homes and businesses are using solar panels these days and that is awesome. Wind farms and geothermal energy supplies are also increasing. In all honesty, for the average Joe, solar panels are the way to go if you are interested in powering your home with an eco-friendly energy source.

Do you really need meat?

There are tons of studies talking about population, but one of the most eye-opening one’s states that by 2100 the Earth could have over 12 billion people on it. There is simply no way enough meat can be produced. Start cutting back now by having meat only a couple of times per week.

cute cow in field
Look at those eyes …

Do not freak out about “going vegan” as vegan food products have come on leaps and bounds the last few years and it is a great way to wean yourself from eating meat 5-7 times a week. Swapping out meat for things like beans and high-quality vegetables can also help you be healthier.

Leave your car key at home

There are far too many cars on the road. Do you really need to drive everywhere? Think about getting a bike and start cycling to work.

That is great for the environment, great for your health and will also save you a TON of gas money.

Try an electric scooter for your next ride to work.

If you have to use something with a motor, look into getting an electric car or even using public transportation. If we could cut back on cars that are pumping pollution into the air, the planet would certainly give us a nice high five. 

Also, with the amount of cars on the road, driving is becoming more of a chore with each new teenager that gets a license.

Wear your evening dress more than once

Did you know that we now purchase more clothes than at any other point in human history? I’m sure you have a closet full of stuff you never wear or have worn just once. They say the fashion industry leaves a significant carbon footprint on the planet. From the resources being farmed to the factories producing the clothing to the vehicles transporting them all over the world.

Who needs that many socks?

If we could all cut back on clothes that we purchase, the textiles industry would have to cut back and this would be great for the planet. Not only that, but only buying the clothes that you actually need, you will have more money in your pocket too.

Itty bitty living spaces

The genie from Aladdin had it all wrong. Living in a more modest and less spacious home does not have to be a cramped living experience. People are getting rid of clutter and living in homes that have a far smaller living space. This, of course, makes getting a home much cheaper, but it also means that your overall carbon footprint is a lot smaller.

Don’t like the scenery? Move on in just couple of minutes.

Just because you have a smaller home, a shipping container home or some other creative and clever house does not mean you have to go without. There are some great examples that show how you can have a smaller home and still live a pleasant life.

Growing your own food

The number of supermarkets that are jam-packed to the rafters with food is crazy. One way to live the minimalist way can be to grow your own food. Gardening is, first of all, a lot of fun and also a form of exercise.

urban farming
Fines example of urban gardening.

It also means that you are taking care of your own food needs and cutting down on your reliance on wholesalers. Also, a nice meal tastes even better when it is made with something you have grown yourself!

Think about what you buy

This kind of ties into the whole clothing thing we just talked about. However, thinking about what you buy can be the first step for many in living a more minimalist life.

First of all, cutting down on the clutter in your home is always a good thing. It is not just a case of “do I really need another Darth Vader figurine?” You have to consider how that was made in the first place.

pugs in royal clothes
Always ask yourself. Do I really need that?

You have the resources that needed to be gathered, the packaging that was made, the factory that produced it and then the trucks, planes or even boats that transport it. Each item leaves a massive carbon footprint before it gets in your hands. There is nothing wrong at all with collecting things, but try and be mindful about how that item came into existence and what kind of drain it was on the planet.

Global warming, overpopulation, lack of food and major changes to the planet are all very real! We can choose to ignore what is happening or we can all start to make small changes to our own lives.

If each person thinks a little more, spends a little less and lives a little better. The planet will keep on turning and giving us a better quality of life for more generations to come.

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