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OPTION 1 - The Fast Track

Fast Track OPTION: Sketch Submissions

Now you can get your ideas up and preselling on ideacious with no more than a sketch and a description of your idea! Sketch Submissions are early-stage designs or ideas that creators can post for presales without having all the ducks lined up yet.

Sketch Submissions are clearly identified on the site as being in development, with a Sketch logo, and are represented with a sketch drawing of your idea instead of a photograph or computer rendering. Early buyers are also informed that a variety of changes are likely to occur, including but not limited to; design, pricing, features, functionality, estimated time to production, etc., and that the project may be canceled all together.

Included in the presales goal is the required budget to have ideacious complete your project (Steps 1 thru 7), meaning, all you have to do to make your next idea a reality is sketch and submit!

OPTION 2 - The Standard Path

ras Step 1: innovate
Come up with a product you believe in
Sometimes an idea pulls you in. We don’t know why. We just know that it needs to exist.

You need to produce a sketch.

Here are the Step 1 options:

arrow Already got your idea sketched? Move to Step 2

arrow Need someone to sketch your idea for you? MORE INFO

arrow Not sure? Ask us about it.

ras Step 2: protect
Consider different forms of protection
This step is optional, but still recommended.

We may not be intellectual property lawyers, but we do know about a thing called a Provisional Application. This inexpensive, unique protection keeps your product safe for a year and allows you to say ‘Patent Pending’ on your product. While your product is protected for that year you can test the market to see if the full patent is necessary.

Of course a provisional application may not be the best fit for your product. There are many types of protection to consider.

Here are the Step 2 options:

arrow Is it done? You don’t want it? You’ll come back to this later? Move to Step 3

arrow Find out more about options and prices. MORE INFO

arrow Not sure? Ask us about it.

ras Step 3: design
It’s got to make you salivate
Solid product design, as it applies to both functionally and aesthetics, can make or break your product. The more resolved your product is the more appealing it is to early buyers. Plus, it is a manufacturing requirement.

Here are the Step 3 options:

arrow Is it already designed? Move to Step 4

arrow Request multiple quotes from ideacious-approved industrial designers. MORE INFO

arrow Not sure? Ask us about it.

ras Step 4: build
You’ll need CAD, BOM, and renderings
In order for a manufacturer to accurately quote on your product, it needs to be presented in a format that they, and their machines, can understand.

What they require is a 3-Dimensional Computer Aided Design (3D CAD) file, a Bill of Material (BOM) that describes the specific materials needed for each component of your product, and a photorealistic rendering to show the manufacturer the end result and your buyers what they are signing up for.

Here are the Step 4 options:

arrow Download the terms & conditions.

arrow It’s done? Move to Step 5

arrow Request multiple quotes from ideacious-approved industrial designers. MORE INFO

arrow Upload your CAD file, BOM, and renderings. MORE INFO

arrow Not sure? Ask us about it.

ras Step 5: quote
Global manufacturers are ready and waiting
With your CAD file, BOM, and renderings we can define:

1 – the cost to manufacture your product
2 – the minimum production volume (number of units) a manufacturer is willing to produce
3 – the time it will take for the first production run to be manufactured

Using this raw data, ideacious can connect you with a manufacturer capable of efficiently producing the highest quality product at a fair price.

If you’d prefer to work with your own manufacturer, all you have to do is put us in contact with them and we can go from there.

Here are the Step 5 options:

arrow Have you already found a manufacturer that we know about? Move to Step 6

arrow Not sure? Ask us about it.

ras Step 6: optional
Extra services to get the job done
The following services are optional and if you’d prefer, you can do them on your own.

There are a lot of things you can do to make your concept shine. These optional services will give you the best chance for success and help you effectively manage your product business.

Ideacious provides 3 quotes (for each selected service) for a 100% reimbursable* $10 fee per category.
*All quoting fees will be completely reimbursed once your product produces its first production run.

Get quotes on the services you are interested in. Check all that apply.

Value added services
graphic design
packaging design
advertising, marketing, sales representation
product liability insurance & alternatives
website design
multi-media: video, animation

Logistics services

Here are the Step 6 options:

arrow Create RFQs for selected services. MORE INFO

arrow Not sure? Ask us about it.

arrow Not interested. Step 7

ras Step 7: finances
You control how much to share, if any
It’s time to make some decisions that could seriously attract and entice early buyers.

If you need to sell preorders to get your product into production, you’ll need to decide how much revenue you want your early buyers to earn. To help you, we’ll walk you through a few questions that are easy enough to answer one at a time. We’ll be asking about your target retail price, how much incentive you’d like to give your early buyers, and how much you’d like to earn from your first production run.

If you have any questions about this stage contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

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