Contest details
Cash & Prizes
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The Prizes >

Early Submission - Closed.

We're giving away some great prizes and all you have to do is get your Tier 1 submission in asap! These are first-come-first-serve, so get sketching!
Tier 1 Prizes - Closed.

All Tier 1 submissions have the opportunity to win a variety of sponsored prizes, so put on your thinking caps and get your best ideas across to us!
Tier 2 Prizes - Closed.

Tier 2 offers the same variety of sponsored prizes as Tier 1, but we upped the ante to reward you for all your efforts to give us a great, fully-resolved product submission!
Tier 3 - Grand Prize - Opening May 15th, 2012. Closes August 15th, 2012.

Tier 3 is where the stakes are the highest - hit your preorder goal within the proposed time frame to make it to the finalists and win up to $15,000! Yes.... 15K.
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